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Showing posts from February, 2019

Broadway Show Thoughts

After looking through Angel's blog, I saw some interesting broadway shows that I didn't know existed. For example, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The broadway version seems interesting and the props and technology used look very thought-out and complicated. I also liked the excerpt of Don't Rain On My Parade because I'm familiar with that song, so it was interesting to see a different performance of it. I also liked the performance from the new Mary Poppins, it reminded me of the original one but with a more modern take, and I think the new actress did a good job maintaining the same character of Mary Poppins. There are definitely a lot of broadway shows on the blog that I didn't recognize, as I don't know much about broadway in general, but the ones I watched were all very interesting and I would definitely like to see more broadway shows in general, the only one I've seen being Jersey Boys (of which I didn't see any clips from on the blog.)

Bluebeard's Castle- Opera Essay

I researched the Opera “Bluebeard’s Castle” by first looking into the tale that inspired the story. The fable of Bluebeard dates back to the late 1600s, when a French author, Charles Perrault, wrote the story of a man who murdered his wives after they discovered the bodies of the previous women. The supernatural element to this story is the key that the final wife uses to enter the torture chamber; after dropping it on the bloody floor, she finds that the blood reappears on the key no matter how much she attempts to clean it. Because of this, Bluebeard learns of her discovery and threatens to kill her and her sister. Just in time, she is rescued by her brothers and Bluebeard is killed. The inspiration for this tale is not known for sure, but many speculate that Bluebeard is based off of Gilles de Rais, a French nobleman and serial killer who is said to have murdered many children, or Conomor the Accursed, who legends state murdered his wives when they became pregnant...

Madame Butterfly Thoughts

I thought that the Madame Butterfly animation was very thought-provoking and unique. The story was unpredictable and kept me interested in watching, like when the woman 'gave birth' to the fish that then transformed into a child, and when the child is taken away and the woman disassembles herself. The beginning of the story seemed peaceful and romantic, with her and the man falling in love while the music was also slow and peaceful. Then, she gives birth to her child and everything continues to see happy. They are literally connected by a string, which could symbolize an umbilical cord, and seem to be having fun. The music becomes a bit more intense as they hear the ship returning, signifying that things may not remain so peaceful.The woman seems very eager for the man to return and waits for him excitedly, even placing some flowers on her head as if she wants him to see her as beautiful. However, he stays on the ship and parties.  I find this situation to be very sad because...

Extra Credit 1

Object name: Eyelumination Artist's statement: I chose to combine two unrelated objects, a lamp and an eyeball. I looked around my room and the first thing I saw was my desk lamp, so I considered what other object would blend well with it. I chose an eyeball because of the circular shape. I think if this were a real object, the eyeball would follow whoever is in the room and light up in that direction. It is meant to be slightly creepy.

Raul Cuero Interview Thoughts

I think that there are many ways to apply Cuero's concepts to everyday life. His ideas about having a "universal consciousness" and transcending local thoughts and prejudices can be applied in most discussions, whether it be about a global issue or with someone who may come from a different background. By thinking this way, one can keep an open mind and attempt to learn a new perspective from others, rather than only accepting information that conforms to already-held beliefs. He also discussed using creativity to change people's expectations of what they think you can do. By doing "the unknown" rather than things that are already expected, even in small ways, people will begin to become more open to new ideas. This can be done in daily life in many situations, simply by thinking about a problem in a different way than before and finding a new solution. Spending more time in nature and less on electronics is another idea that is easy to apply in daily li...